Does Cell Phone Repair Replace Iphone Battery

How to Replace Your Car Battery

If you've noticed that your headlights aren't as bright, or you've needed to jump your car recently, it's a good idea to take your car to an auto parts store to check the battery. A dead car battery is frustrating, but you can replace it in a few simple steps.

Detach the Battery Cables

Open your car hood and find the battery. It's a large box with a black top that has cables connected to it. Depending on the model of your vehicle it may sit near the back or off to the side of the engine. Once you locate the battery, you need to detach the positive and negative battery cables. You can do this using a pair of pliers or a wrench. The black cable is the negative cable and the red cable is the positive cable. You can also look for the plus and minus signs on the battery to ensure you're working with the correct side.

Begin by detaching the negative black cable first. Then remove the positive red cable. If you remove the positive cable first, you might end up shorting out your vehicle's electrical system. If you have trouble removing these cables, you may need a battery terminal puller. This handy tool helps make sure you don't damage your battery if the cables are hard to remove.

Take the Battery Out

Once you've disconnected both cables and removed them from the battery, you need to remove the battery from the vehicle. Car batteries are held in place by a clamp that helps keep the battery from shifting while the vehicle is in motion. You need to remove this clamp with a wrench or ratchet set. Once you remove this clamp, you should be able to lift the battery from the battery tray and remove it from the vehicle.

Clean the Battery Tray and Connectors

The battery sits in a battery tray, and you may notice residue within in the tray. It's a good idea to use baking soda and water or some type of battery-cleaning fluid to clean the battery tray. You may also need to clean the cable connectors on the battery. Residue and corrosion can build up on the connectors, causing your battery to operate inefficiently or not at all. Cleaning these with a wire brush during battery replacements can help keep your car battery running well.

Replace the Battery and Secure It

Once you've cleaned out the tray and the connectors, it's time to put the new car battery into the tray. Simply place it in the same way that the old battery sat and secure it with the battery clamp. Use your wrench or ratchet set to secure the clamp over the battery.

Reattach the Cables and Test the Battery

Reattach the positive and negative battery cables as the last step. You can start with the positive battery cable first and then do the negative. Use a wrench to ensure that both cables are securely attached to the cable connectors. A loose battery cable can cause the battery to be ineffective. Once you have the cables secured, close the hood and start your vehicle. Check that all electrical components are working, like the radio and any digital components of the car. If you notice that something isn't working properly, make sure the battery cables are secured to the battery or drive to a local auto parts store and have them check that you replaced the battery properly.

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